Friday, 7 May 2010


I'm sure all new bloggers sit there, staring at the screen, thinking what on earth to write?? I am no different.

So I thought i'd start by explaining a little about my reasons for becoming a 'Mummy Blogger'.

I am a (nearly) 22 year old mum of a 2 year old girl called Erica, the absolute reason I was placed on this earth for, and am currently expecting another little bundle of joy in mid july. Another daughter.

Whilst going through this pregnancy, I have met several lovely ladies online, who have become very dear to me, all of us from very different backgrounds, kind of like an online 'Baby group' in a way. Now, we are all of different ages and different 'classes' (god, I hate that phrase!) but we all have this connection, and we all have our very valued individual input. I think i'm most possibly known as 'the one with the advice', advice, that I have been told, is much more advanced than my 22 years.

I don't know why, and I don't know how, but I thrive of anything 'baby'. I think if someone came to me and told me that they needed a pram for certain reasons, in a certain colour, and within a certain price range, I could probably tell them off the top of my head, without even so much as a glance at a catalogue. Maybe its a gift, maybe its just plain sad, but I love it! Put me in a room with nervous pregnant women, and i'm in my element!

Now I dont profess to get this whole parenting lark right, nobody does (or should), no matter who your are or where you come from. But I can understand the fears that all new mums go through. I have very much been there, done that, got the baby food stained t-shirt. And I would love to share my experiences with people (if they would like to listen!) about this new phase in my life. The dreaded 'terrible twos' and juggling that with late pregnancy and a newborn.

At present, I am struggling to deal with the fact that I have been diagnosed with SPD/PGP whichever you want to call it, and have been practically put on the next best thing to bed rest for the next 10 weeks. That is no mean feat for someone who thrives in being an independent 'young' mum, with the ability to keep a clean and tidy home, take good care of a very independent little 2 year old, and manages to maintain an active social life. So it has been a major blow to my self-confidence (especially when you struggle to put on your socks in a morning!).

So, here I am, sat on my backside, desperate for normality, and itching to pick up every single peice of jigsaw puzzle as soon as it hits the floor... The physiotherapist may have told me what to do and what not to do, but, can someone please tell Erica??!!


  1. Grace, This is fabulous....I LOVE IT! I wish I had the time to do something similar, but will keep reading your witty blog to see me through the weeks ahead :) Lots Love xxx

  2. Gracie, I LOVE your blog!! You the baby oracle and there's nothing about a cervix that you don't know about or anything baby related for that matter! Keep this blog goin, it's fab! xx
